St. Edmund's Church, Hardingstone
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
Performance at the Well
by children of
Hardingstone Academy
on Tuesday 21 December.
Our new incumbent was installed is 21st November 2021. She kindly wrote this introductory piece for us:
Hello, it is with great joy that I can introduce myself as your new Vicar. My name is Revd Julie Scott and with my husband Adrian we are looking forward to joining and serving the community.
We move to Hardingstone from Bridgwater, Somerset where I have served part of my curacy. The southwest has been home for a number of years, however I recognised that I wanted to discover and minister to a new area, as well as a being a little closer to our family. We have one daughter and two grandchildren who live in Lincolnshire, and I am blessed to have my father who still lives in Surrey where I grew up.
Adrian and I are both passionate about the environment and will always look for the ways we can protect and enjoy the world around us. One of the ways I do this is through the arts, I have a love of painting and photography, as well as having a background in design which I bring to all aspects of my life.
Adrian would say his passion is more sports related and he is planning on enjoying the cricket and rugby once we arrive, I am happy to leave him to explore this.
It is with a sense of excitement at making Hardingstone home, that I look forward to meeting everyone.
The Wildlife Trust came to judge St Edmund’s churchyard on 6th August 2021. They comment:
‘What a lot of work you’ve carried out in such a short space of time – it’s very inspiring. I can tell you now that we have very great pleasure in awarding St Edmund’s the bronze award in the Northamptonshire Churchyard Conservation Award Scheme – very well done to you all! Lisa R.
The presentation took place at the Harvest service on Sunday 24th September.
Successful Funding applications - April 2021
Cultural Recovery Fund
We are delighted to announce that St Edmunds, Hardingstone, is to receive £9,000 from the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund to help us recover and reopen for heritage, cultural events and wellbeing activities based in the church.
The funding will enable significant improvement to the access, appreciation and enjoyment of the important heritage of the church, engaging many more people to care about ensuring its future sustainability.
We intend that the wellbeing café will offer a range of activities, specifically to encourage wider participation and community cohesion.
Hardingstone Church is very grateful to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for this generous award.
#HereForCulture @dcms @HeritageFundUK @HistoricEngland
Northampton Borough Council Small Grant award
The Supporters of St Edmunds, a charity that raises funds for the maintenance and improvement of Hardingstone Parish Church, has been awarded £2,527 for the Wellbeing hub. This project, based in the church, aims to provide a safe venue for local people to gather for refreshment, company and interesting activities to enhance wellbeing.
There will be a community café opening, once regulations allow; the wildlife project in the churchyard will be extended and mindful activities provided outdoors; and as the church building is a 2* heritage asset, more visitors will be encouraged with improved historical interpretation. The combination of these strands should encourage a more vibrant local community. The Supporters of St Edmunds and Hardingstone PCC are very grateful to Northampton Borough Council for this grant.
Councillor Community Fund award
Hardingstone PCC is very grateful to Cllr Nunn for an award of £350 for wellbeing activities, based at St Edmunds church. This grant will be used to purchase various resources for activities at the Well community café.
Revd Canon Beverley Collins
We were sorry to say farewell to Beverley and Paul on 16th February 2021 after almost 8 years of faithful ministry and leadership in Hardingstone parish and Living Brook benefice.
We wish them well at Weston Favell.
One of our farewell gifts was a bespoke stole, made by Yvonne Bell